Ellen Pye

A culinary journey through a temperature life graph

To Start
When they tell you you’ve gone red you go even redder.
A damp cheese sandwich in white bread, served in a yellow plastic lunch box that’s been sitting in your hot back pack in end of term sunshine
Eat while remembering your bright red face feeling like a small sun on the top of your head heating the whole assembly
Dripping Buckets
Housemates over cooked Tupperware pasta with lots of black pepper. Served with a side of tortilla chips.
Eat while remember walking up Park Street with a back pack full of flyers your boss asked you to carry. You haven’t exercised in months so you might as well be climbing Everest. You arrive to work wet with sweat. As the day goes on the water on your face evaporates and the salt left behind makes your skin feel gritty.
It was nice to have a a break
Lemon sorbet with freezer burn that tastes like fridge served with a plastic spoon
Eat while remembering getting stuck in the walk-in fridge at work, you ring the cafe phone and ask for them to let you out.